Earl Parker's Combat! Photos
(Property of the Estate of Earl Parker - All rights reserved. Permission is given to reproduce these photos; no permission is given for sale of these pictures of any kind or sale on any website, or for use in a publication that is to be sold. )

These are sorted by the date stamped on the slide, in the hopes that it might help the Combat! fans out there identify some of these, if we can tell what month and year they were developed in.
Earl also functioned as an actor and stuntman on many other shows and films, and slides from those endeavors also show up on these pages.
Let the webmaster know if you can identify the people and/or film/TV series in a slide, if it has no caption.

The @ symbol below means this page has new pictures as of November 17, 2002. The symbol also marks the new pictures on the pages themselves.

The % symbol below means this page has new pictures as of February 23, 2003. The symbol also marks the new pictures on the pages themselves.


1963 @ %

1964 @ %

1965 @ %

1966 @ %



1969 %




No Date

Combat Recon 2000
